About us

About us

transfotec torino company
The Trasfotec company has been providing design and construction services for static machines dedicated to transforming and converting electricity since 1991.
Part of the project, which is carried out within the company by specialised personnel, is in order to allow the evaluation of all the parameters proposed by the customer.

The design of static machines for the transformation and conversion of electric current takes place both for standard products and for special processing.

The technical department of the company collaborates with the customer, in order to offer the optimal solution to their needs.

Current converters and transformers are made to measure according to the characteristics required by customers, guaranteeing perfectly functioning static machines at unbeatable prices.
The staff is made up of highly qualified and specialised technicians, who also offer a service of assistance and repair of machines, to promptly solve the problems of operating the equipment.

It guarantees complete efficiency thanks to the high level of preparation and experience in the sector of all personnel.

A company which works with extreme care in both the production and service phases, subjecting the products to strict quality controls and to a final test to ensure compliance with the strictest operating standards.


In addition to standard processes, the Turin-based company also produces special constructions: 

  • three-phase transformers with nuclei with power greater than 100kVA
  • ENEL-approved transformers
  • transformers with box
  • low-voltage transformers
  • boxed transformers
  • levelled feeders.

The machines designed and built by Trasfotec are dedicated to predominantly industrial applications, which need some features:

  • high degree of dependability
  • temporary overload of 250% repetitive with voltage drops limited to 10%
  • resistance to onerous processing
  • low iron losses.

To obtain the required results, Trasfotec productions therefore make use of complementary materials and products:
  • enamelled copper wires and strips with double H class insulation layer
  • wires and strips in enamelled aluminium with double layer of insulation in class H and double Nomex
  • low-loss magnetic cores
  • impregnated and oven-treated windings
  • Mylar- and Nomex-based insulators.
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